الثلاثاء، 15 مايو 2012


Hybrid is the Future

There are a variety of different businesses and hosting needs that exists, we admit there isn’t just one particular server configuration that will suit everyone’s needs best.  With that mentality and our wide array of products, we’ve started thinking ahead at what’s possible and what would suit client needs best.  

Customize Hybrid Solutions Easily

At SingleHop we believe Hybrid Solutions are the future of IaaS providers.  In the past we were able to configure solutions with the dedicated options provided to us, but now with Private and Public Cloud options at our fingertips, we’re able to craft and customize the best solution for just about any client
Let’s say you have a substantially large database, but need lots of CPU and RAM to make your website run as quickly as possible.  You could put the back end on a dedicated server, and let the Public Cloud run the front end of your website with ease.  We could even help you create a cluster of servers for your own reselling needs.  The possibilities are endless, and our trained staff members and the LEAP3 community are available to help you with your ideal solution.  

Uniquely Tailored Options

SingleHop offers a full range of Infrastructure products and you can use any number and combination of them in your Hybrid solution. All products are managed from the integrated LEAP3 Client Portal.  

FreeBSD Dedicated Servers

Why Should I Choose a FreeBSD Dedicated Server?

Steadfast Networks decided to include a FreeBSD dedicated server in our offerings as a way to give our clients access to a complete, UNIX-like operating system that (excluding OS X) is the BSD-derived operating system with the highest number of installed computers, including being used on several of the busiest web sites in the world. In fact, of all systems that run free, open-source OSes derived from BSD, this program makes up more than 75 percent of them!
Why FreeBSD? Lots of reasons. First off, the large userbase and longevity have given FreeBSD more than 30 years to develop and improve, working out bugs and streamlining the processes. Compared to other operating systems of the day – many expensive commercial pieces of software – FreeBSD provides more and better features.
With a FreeBSD dedicated server, you’re getting security, performance, advanced networking, and compatibility that other systems just don’t offer. Just how compatible is it? FreeBSD users have over 20,000 applications and ported libraries, and supports apps for embedded environments, appliances, servers, and desktops.
As an Intranet or Internet server, FreeBSD trumps the competition with network services that excel under even the most strenuous of loads by efficiently utilizing memory. This means that even thousands of user processes going on at the same time will have excellent response times.
Embedded platforms, vendors, and apps use FreeBSD because they love the cross-build environments and integrated build in the OS that gives their product access to advanced features. This is true whether you’re talking about wireless access points, time servers, routers, or mailing systems, and applies to hardware platforms from PowerPC and Arm to Intel-based apps that are on the higher end of the spectrum.

How Can I Get a FreeBSD Dedicated Server from Steadfast Networks?

Getting a FreeBSD dedicated server from Steadfast Networks is as easy as calling up one of our reps and starting a server leasing plan. We offer basic management for dedicated servers starting at just $79.95/month, and fully managed servers with Zenoss monitoring and PCI/HIPAA compliance starting at $159.95/month.
Downtown Chicago, where our data centers are located, is home to all of our servers. We have experienced staff members available on-site 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to ensure that your server is well taken care of and any questions you have can be answered promptly. If you would like FreeBSD as your server’s operating system, simply ask for it when you lease your server from us and it will be installed completely free of charge.

What Are the System Requirements for a FreeBSD Dedicated Server

Because there are several different versions of FreeBSD, the requirements vary. Detailed system requirements for the various kinds of FreeBSD can be found here.
The good news for clients looking to lease a FreeBSD dedicated server is that you don’t even have to worry about the system requirements – all Steadfast dedicated servers have the ability to run FreeBSD and numerous other operating systems. All you need to do is request the one you want.

Tips, Tricks, and Documentation for a FreeBSD Dedicated Server

The FreeBSD website includes documentation that they call a “work in progress handbook” that helps with installation and everyday use. The site also has a great page called Resources for Newbies that contains a FAQ and various links to help with FreeBSD, information on UNIX, and other tips for beginners.

HostGator VPS Web Hosting Reviews For 2011

By Darren W Chow
Before taking the plunge and invest good money in a VPS hosting plan, you must first take the time to understand what VPS is, and what VPS is not. That will help you make the right buying decisions. Obviously, a VPS plan is not for everyone. Let’s try to understand more about VPS first before taking a look at what HostGator has to offer.
VPS, which stands for virtual private servers, is hosting on a shared server. However, using special software, the server is able to “split” itself into several smaller sections, which can function without interference from one another. For instance, if one VPS goes down, the others can continue to function normally.
The benefits are obvious. Usually, when clients sign up for shared hosting, their sites are hosted on machines that already have hundreds or even thousands of sites on them. Sometimes, servers may be overloaded or even compromised due to unsecure scripts. Note that there is very little a client can do if the server is to go down, even though the client himself has done nothing wrong. Clients understand that they are undertaking such risks when signing up for shared hosting.
However, with a VPS plan, clients get much more reliable hosting services since they don’t have to worry about their VPS server going down due to errors not committed by them.
Of course, VPS hosting clients tend to expect lower resource usage, since the resources are shared. Usually, clients upgrade to VPS plans when they find that a shared hosting plan can no longer cater to their needs. For instance, they need more control over the server environment, or they need more dedicated resources to run their sites.
So, what does HostGator has to offer when it comes to VPS plans?
Many hosting companies offer only 1 admin control panel for such hosting. HostGator allows the clients to choose between Cpanel, Virtuozzo, and Ksplice.
As different clients have different needs, the Company has also taken the trouble to offer a total of 9 levels. Level 1 offers the least amount of resources (but it’s the cheapest), and level 9 offers the highest amount of resources (the most expensive).
When considering VPS hosting, clients usually start with the basic four factors – CPU, RAM, diskspace and bandwidth. With these factors taken into consideration, clients may then estimate whether the plan offers enough resources to power their websites. What is amazing about HostGator’s VPS plans is that the lowest plan only cost $19.95. This is a highly competitive price that is rarely seen in the hosting industry.
All VPS servers are hosted in high speed (20 megabit per second) data centers and powered by Dell with Intel CPUs. Clients also enjoy automated off site weekly back ups.
Hostgatorreview.org is the largest HostGator Review 2011 and HostGator coupon codes website,HostGator VPS Reviews also found here.

VPS Hosting – What Are The Benefits?

VPS hosting (Virtual Private Server hosting) is a step up from shared hosting which gives many of the benefits of dedicated server hosting at a much lower price.

As such, it is an ideal solution for small business website hosting (or anyone else) who have outgrown shared hosting or want the control and security that virtual private server hosting provides.
VPS hosting involves the use of virtualization technology to partition a single computer to simulate multiple servers where each virtual server behaves like a physical server. The system resources of the virtual server are defined at the outset, the more resources you want the higher the price, but can be upgraded later. Some hosts allow the guaranteed resources to be exceeded in short term “bursts”.
The features of a VPS Hosting package vary by supplier but in general the benefits include:
  • Most of the benefits of dedicated server hosting at a much lower cost.
  • Ability to start small but scale up quickly and easily.
  • Much better security than shared hosting. The virtual server runs in its own isolated environment shielded from any actions of other users.
  • Full root access (or full administrative access on Windows) enables software installation and customization of the server as though it were a dedicated server.
  • Guaranteed system resources means that there is no competition for resources, as with shared hosting, and resources can be easily increased as you grow. Website performance (loading times) should be better and more consistent.VPS Hosting
  • Choice of control panels may be offered by a supplier enabling you to match your requirements and technical knowledge.
A possible disadvantage of a VPS Hosting plan compared to ashared website hosting is that you need a greater technical expertise. With a shared hosting plan you have limited access to the server and the hosting company will manage it applying security patches and system updates etc.. With VPS hosting you usually have root access to the virtual server and can load the software you require. This means that you will be responsible for managing it and if problems arise on your virtual server you will have to resolve them.
You should therefore check the management services that a website hosting company offers and whether, like a managed dedicated server, you can trade some off the flexibility and freedom that VPS hosting provides for more extensive management by the hosting company.
Compared to dedicated server hosting, VPS hosting offers much the same benefits but is still slightly inferior in terms of performance. Although you have a guaranteed allocation  of system resources (CPU, RAM, disc space) you are still sharing the physical hardware  with other VPS users hosted on the real server. As a result virtual private server hosting cannot quite achieve the stability and optimal performance of a dedicated server.

Choosing a Specialist Web Hosting Company For WordPress Sites

Author: Derek Rogers
WordPress is the most popular blogging software around the globe today. It is used by literally millions of people, and therefore it has become a force in the world of the Internet. If you want to develop your own website with WordPress, you'll need to find a web host that will be able to work with this kind of platform. Otherwise, you can end up inconveniencing yourself or denying yourself of some of the key functionality that it provides.
First of all it's important to understand that WordPress is for more than just blogs. It's actually a comprehensive CMS, or content management system, that can handle the development and management of any kind of website or online presence. It's easy and intuitive to use, and therefore it's very popular across a wide range of industries and uses. Businesses of all shapes and sizes run their company blogs and their entire websites through WordPress.
If you're considering doing the same, then you'll need to find a web hosting company that can mesh with the WordPress platform. One way in which this is possible is to find a web host that allows for one click installation. This means that all you have to do is go into your control panel or administrative area and click on install WordPress and you'll have the software instantly available.
Without this ability, it's actually a somewhat complex process to get the files onto your server and make sure they are in the right places, working in the right ways. One click installation is therefore not just a great convenience, but also may be necessary to ensure that everything works as it should without any issues.
WordPress also has several other important needs. For example, WordPress functions through the creation and management of a MySQL database. Therefore your web host needs to be compatible with these databases, and you need to have a plan that allows you to create them. If you have another component that requires a database, or are setting up multiple blogs, then you need more than one database and need to ensure that your plan allows for that as well.
Additionally, WordPress makes use of PHP coding, which is very powerful and provides many great features. Not all web hosts run scripts and languages that coincide with this, so you need to ensure that you find a web hosting company that works well with this, otherwise your website will fail before it ever really gets going.
There are many different ways to build, develop and maintain websites these days. One of the most powerful is WordPress, an all-inclusive CMS that can do just about anything you'd like. To get the most out of WordPress and to ensure it works properly, you need to find a specialist web hosting company that thrives with WordPress installations and management. Look for features such as one-click installation that will make it stress free to get started with your new software, as well as MySQL database and PHP support.
Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/internet-articles/choosing-a-specialist-web-hosting-company-for-wordpress-sites-1700485.html
About the Author
Derek Rogers is a freelance writer living in the UK. He regularly contributes articles for 111WebHost, who offer industry leading WordPress Hosting services.

HostGator And WordPress Sites

HostGator is one of the top hosting companies and provides Linux shared hosting packages so HostGator and WordPress should be a good match.
In fact HostGator and WordPress go together very well as HostGator provide a good webhostingservice with an emphasis on support. Many people use them for hosting WordPress powered sites including both personal and commercial sites.
WordPress users should not really need support (but it is comforting to know that it is available if necessary) as setting up a WordPress site on Hostgator is easy and does not require any technical knowledge. Starting from scratch the process is:
Choose your domain name – at present it is best to register this with GoDaddy or Cheapnames as Hostgator’s domain registration service is limited but this is set to change during 2011.
Signup with Hostgator – The process is simple and it is possible to simply pay monthly without any contract but the best price is obtained by paying 36 months upfront. Be aware that any discount you get at the outset applies to the first invoice only.  CLICK HERE TO SEE OUR LATEST HOSTGATOR COUPONS.
Set-up the DNS – You will receive an email shortly after signing up giving you all the necessary details including the Nameserver addresses. These need to be entered on the website of your domain name registrar.
Go in cPanel (the email will tell you how) – Go to the “Software/Services” section and select Fantasico De Luxe.
HostGator and WordPress
[Note: As you will see from the above HostGator are now offering QuickInstall which offers even more but it is still in beta.]
From the left hand menu select “WordPress”. The WordPress menu will then appear in the center and “New Installation” should be clicked.
HostGator & WordPress
On the next screen ‘Install on Domain’ should already show your domain and ‘Install in Directory’ can be left blank. Complete the remaining fields, at this stage this data is not important as you will probably want to change it later, once you see what it is used for. However, it is a very good idea to use a strong password from the outset (and don’t call the administrator “Admin” as many people do this and as a result it is a security weakness).
HostGator WordPress
Click ‘Install WordPress’ and ‘Finish Installation’ on the next page.
HostGator and WordPress Sites
You will now get a confirmation that WordPress has been installed and be offered the chance to email details to yourself (this is worth doing as it will give you a record of the login details).
Log into WordPress – select a theme, pick a layout you like, add a few plugins and then start adding content. If you need help with WordPress download the free training videos from this site (see sidebar).
As you will see it is very easy to set-up HostGator and WordPress and it can be done very quickly.
HostGator is now partnered with CloudFlare who provide a free service that improves site security and loading speed. It is ideal for WordPress and there is a plugin to make setup easier.

The Relationship Between Web Hosting And SEO

It is easy to overlook the relationship between web hosting and SEO but actually this is becoming increasingly important. If you want to get your site/blog ranked highly on Google you will do yourself no favors by cutting costs on hosting.

So how are hosting and SEO linked? Simple really, Google want their users to get what they want quickly so that they continue to use the search engine. Google therefore do not look kindly on sites that provide a poor user experience. This is can be caused by:

Slow Loading Speed

Nobody wants to have to wait more than a few seconds for a page to load. If a site is very slow to load the user may give up, and go back to Google to select another site, or wait to see what comes up and then go back to Google. The user is unlikely to request another page, assuming that will also be slow, or return to the site in the future. The result is an unhappy visitor and a black mark from Google.Hosting and SEO

High Bounce Rate

One of the factors that is becoming increasing important for SEO is bounce rate. A user “bounces” if they go straight back to Google after seeing the page that comes up. This implies that the content was not particularly relevant to the search term or was poor quality. Either way it is a negative factor in terms of ranking for the search term.
As mentioned above a user may also bounce because the site is slow, regardless of the quality of the content. So a slow site can have a double negative effect.

Too Much Downtime

If a user finds your site on the search engine and clicks it only to receive an error message, that is a poor user experience. No site can be available 100% of the time but excessive downtime will count against it.
These problems can be experienced due to:

Overloading Servers

Entry level hosting packages are based on shared hosting where many user’s sites are hosted on one server. If the server is overloaded the performance level will suffer. This is a particular risk with free hosting where there is no contractual service level.

Lack of, or Poor Management/Support

It is important that the hosting company monitors the servers to ensure that users do not do anything that uses an unfair share of the server resources and also do not do anything unethical such as spamming. The former will impact the performance of the other users of that server and, in the worse case, the latter could get the server IP address blocked affecting all users.
Once again the risks are greatest with free hosting, particularly as the absence of any payment makes it easy to sign up anonymously.
Another key point relates to support. Unless you really know what you are doing you are likely to need help at some point. Providing quality support is costly so with free hosting it is likely to be via email during business hours (so if your site goes down on Friday evening it is hard luck). Even with paid hosting, where you expect 24/7 support, the quality varies.

Location of Web Server

It is inevitable that a site will take slightly longer to load when the user is on the other side of the world from the web server.  See post Location of Website Hosting Company – Does It Matter? for more information.
Actually there is a solution to this geographic issue which also reduces the load on your web server and this is to use a Content Delivery Network. See post Use CloudFlare To Significantly Improve Site Security and Page Speed for more information on that.

Overall it is clear that there is a strong relationship between hosting and SEO and you will be well advised to pay for a good hosting package. Our recommendation isHostGator whose service is the best we have had personal experience of and they are partnered with CloudFlare which makes using that Content Delivery Network easy.