الثلاثاء، 3 أبريل 2012

Dedicated Server Hosting Basics

Dedicated servers are needed for major websites with very high traffic. Such websites with very high traffic also need more security and they may be helping create great wealth so webmasters should be particularly cautious about security and robustness of such websites. Visitors buying costly products on a major e-commerce website won’t expect downtime and other network issues. Downtime and bad browsing experience may leave a negative idea in the mind of new visitors and they may never return back. That will be a great loss to business. That is why we need adedicated server for a serious website with high traffic and high earning potential.
Dedicated server hosting means an entire server for a website. Entire disk space and bandwidth is available to your website which results in a very good experience for visitors browsing the website and buying things. Secondly and very importantly, your website is much more secure simply because you don’t share disk space with other websites which saves many problems. In shared web hosting environment, other websites which share space with your website on a server create many problems. Many of them run malicious codes which cause frequent server downtime. In dedicated hosting, you have full control over your server and your website and hence, more security. Web hosting provider is responsible for hardware maintenance and installing operating system. Rest of the necessary things, you can choose to do yourself like installing scripts, applications, anti-virus, firewall, maintaing website etc. For that, you should have good knowledge about server security and websites.

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