الاثنين، 14 مايو 2012

Go Global With Content Delivery Network Without Big Costs

Web hosting has improvised a lot in the recent years. Various web hosting platforms have evolved in accordance to the needs of the businesses, organizations and end users. Every web host had to keep pace with the demands of the industry that led to a web hosting revolution. Basically web hosting is a very simple concept, however in order to find an innovative and trusted web hosting partner can be a challenge at times. Anyone who owns a website looking for an appropriate web hosting package will come across stories about web hosting companies who overpromised and underdelivered, or you might also come across web hosting companies who are consistently doing well for many years.
The year 2012 is going to be an important year in terns of marking an online presence. In addition, various web hosting terms and acronyms have come up like FTP, domain parking, ASP hosting, colocation, SSL, VPS hosting and CMS hosing. As a result of proliferation of web hosting providers and an increase in the types of web hosting services offered, few important web hosting trends have emerged in recent years. So what are the prominent web hosting trends to lookout for in the year 2012?Here is an insight on the latest web hosting trends that guarantee economy and efficiency. These trends will enable you to understand your real web hosting requirements so that a smart web hosting choice can be made. In light of this fact, it’s worth considering the latest web hosting trends that can bring more flexibility and accountability to your business.
Green Hosting
The UK web hosting companies have concentrated their efforts on “going green.”. green web hosting1 Latest Trends In Web HostingWhen green energy is used by the web hosting companies to power their web servers and data centers, lot of money is saved as a result of reduction in the energy costs. This fact further results in reduction of the web hosting costs. The use of renewable energy is not only environmental friendly, but it also results in substantial savings. The servers hosted in a green data center are affordable and they ensure great efficiency. When green energy is used to power data center and the servers, web hosting becomes economical because the cost of energy required to power the servers is reduced. As the perfect temperature is maintained the servers function efficiently in order to ensure optimum performance and as the energy usage is relatively less; the servers become more powerful and less expensive.
An eco-friendly web hosting company is not just a typical fly-by-night hosting company. You can be sure that such web hosting company is established with the best of industry professionals who have compete knowledge of an energy-wise data center. A web hosting company based on green infrastructure will surely have the competence to offer sound and feature-rich hosting plans.
CMS Hosting
Some open-source content management systems (CMS) have emerged very well incms hosting Latest Trends In Web Hosting the recent years and they have become a preferred choice for the novice and sophisticated developers alike. Content management systems like WordPress, Joomla ans Drupal are have simplified web development by providing a cleaner programming interface along with numerous modules and themes that can be easily customized in accordance with the requirements. Many web hosting companies provide with CMS based web hosting packages in order to provide the webmasters with the best platform to create a website or a blog. Among the various CMS hosting platforms,WordPress hosting has gained a lot of popularity because it offers an easy interface and a wide range of themes and applications tyo develop an impressive and efficient website or blog.
You can select the content management system to be used in accordance with the requirement of your website. For instance if you own an eCommerce website or an online store, then Magento hosting would be the most appropriate hosting option for your website. In case you are setting up website for the first time, a CMS can be highly beneficial. A CMS plays a very important role in the appearance of the website. In case you use a CMS for hosting your website, you will be able to create a website that provides with a smooth navigation between all the pages. The look and feel of the website will be definitely alleviated with a CMS based hosting platform.
Cloud Hosting
A wide range of websites have moved towards cloud hosting in recent years in order tocloud hosting Latest Trends In Web Hosting take advantage of the added flexibility and potential cost savings offered. In a cloud based hosting environment, functions such as running software, accessing data and making computations are decentralized throughout a computer network. Cloud hosting offers the greatest benefit of added reliability, since a site is not dependent on a single piece of computing hardware and there will be no downtime caused as a result of localized power outage or natural disaster.
The most promising cloud hosting trends for the coming year include the following:
Management Of Big Data
As a result of bug data workloads, companies will consider better alternatives to traditional databases, and cloud hosting platform will be considered for simplifying web hosting. The cloud hosting platform will be used for managing huge amounts of information and analytics.
This being a prominent issue, web hosting companies will further scrutinize cloud hosting security. There will be new methods in terms of preventing unauthorized access, encrypting logins and increasing the overall level of security for the information stored and applications hosted on the cloud.
Mobile Access
The ability for managing the cloud-hosted solutions using tablet computers, smart phones and other mobile devices will be on rise. Health care providers were the early adopters of this trend however gradually all type of organizations are adopting it for the better management of resources.
Cloud hosting will be majorly used for the management of web applications as a result of redundancy, scalability and better storage capacity offered. Moreover, in this year cloud hosting also plays a significant role in disaster recovery services. Many web hosting providers are already offering disaster recovery services in the cloud environment. These advanced services promise faster recovery and reduced disruptions to ongoing operations.
Along with cloud hosting, The wide scale adoption of virtualization will continue. Virtualization has already become a major part of the web hosting industry. Web hosting companies are into developing efficient virtualization techniques. Virtualized web hosting platforms will lead to cheaper web hosting platforms. Virtualization ensures the optimum utilization of resources along with significant cost reduction, this is the one of the most promising web hosting trend to look forward to. Virtualization of the web servers provides you with the complete control and isolation of the various resources on a virtualized platform which cannot be influenced by other virtual machines present on the same physical web server. The virtualized web hosting platform comes across as a more reliable, powerful and stable platform that will be seen as a lucrative hosting platform.
There is a great reduction in the overall energy consumption as the number of physical equipments required in the data center will reduce. Moreover, any failure occurred in the virtualized web server will generally not affect the other virtual web servers this will enable better web hosting services.
The trends mentioned above are some of the most efficient web hosting trends of the recent times. They are already benefiting a lot of companies and organizations in terms of business management and expansion.

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