الثلاثاء، 15 مايو 2012

Need A Dedicated Server Hosting?

To ensure that your website performs at optimum levels all the time, you need a dedicated server hosting for it. It is therefore important to consider all your options in detail before you opt for a service provider in this sector. In fact, this is one of the most important responsibilities you will need to undertake in shared hosting sector.
There are some factors you need to consider before you set aside your server for service. Given below are some of them.
1. Server Hardware – This is possibly the most important aspect you need to consider if you need an excellentdedicated server hosting solution. Though different types of hardware manufacturers are present in the marketplace, you need to choose the right one. It is therefore necessary to ask few questions related to hardware components like RAM, processors and hard drives to your prospective service provider. Without an efficient hardware device at your disposal, you can only dream about the benefits associated with them, rather than enjoying them.
2. Bandwidth Allotment – This is yet another important aspect associated with your web hosting business that you cannot ignore. While there are few companies that offer bandwidth in limited amounts, others don’t. While looking for a package it is strongly recommended to get one that claims to offer a specific figure, rather than a package that merely advertises as “unlimited bandwidth”. Make sure you understand what your monthly requirement is and choose a package accordingly.
3. Network Connectivity – When you opt for a dedicated server, you get uninterrupted internet connection along with it. When the performance of your website goes for a toss or when certain critical applications in it fail to perform, you generally get in touch with the provider enquiring their network connectivity. You need to find out if the provider is giving you a T3 or T1 line or are there any redundant connection. On finding out these details you will get a clear picture of the overall reliability and the performance of the server.
Dedicated-Server-Hosting4. Data Backup and Restoration – Data backup is one of the most overlooked options by most customers. To ensure that your data doesn’t go corrupt owing to theft, failures, natural disasters or sabotage, you need to lay emphasis on data backup and restoration. There are certain steps you can undertake to ensure that all your data is safe and that they’re adequately backed up. Though mostdedicated server hosting providers offer these services as well, you’ll do well to put in your own little effort to get the best possible solution.
5. IP Options – A unique IP address is what you’re sure to get when you opt for a dedicated server. Sometimes though, you may require more than one. For example, you may need two different IP addresses if you’re running two different e-commerce stores on a given server. It has to be borne in mind that an IP address is required for each SSL certificate to get it installed on the server.
6. Network Reliability and Server Uptime – As compared to the shared variety, dedicated servers offer more dependability. However, other important aspects like reliability and uptime can never be guaranteed. Though most web hosting provider guarantees respectable uptime, you can rely on that. In fact, you need to dig deep to verify it. You need to find out the real uptime of both the server and the network. Will you be compensated if the guarantee is not met? It is not hard to find adverts that claim to offer 100% uptime, but you need to check it out and see if it really works that way or not.
7. Technical Support – When we talk about dedicated server hosting, we often view it as an arrangement that needs to be handled individually. However, that doesn’t necessarily mean that you should not be getting any support when you need one. Make sure you understand the type of support you’re likely to get from your service provider before you get into an agreement.
The company that you choose for your purpose has to be reachable round the clock. They have to be available either through email or phone call or both. It is a must to have some kind of technical support in place for accessing the hardware of your dedicated server.
It is better to go through the service level agreement or SLA to understand how you’ll be protected should the host fail to execute their end of bargain.

Different Types of Web Hosting

Shared Hosting – Though different types of web hosting services are available today, the shared type is quite popular with both experienced and novice users. In this form of service, customers are allowed to share the hosting space that is made available to them using a shared server. In a way, this method helps reducing the overhead costs associated with hosting for both users and providers.
Reseller Hosting – In this type of web hosting you’ll sign up for hosting plan wich u can resell using your own brand name and your own hosting packages.
Multiple domain web hosting – In this form of web hosting plan you’ll not be required to have an extra hosting plan should you require another website. In fact, this hosting plan will provide you with many domain names for a given hosting account.
Virtual Private Server – VPS – This web hosting plan allows users to get a special place or corner in a server through which the performance of your website doesn’t get affected by other users. Though the plan requires you to pay much more than shared hosting, you’ll get a powerful way to manage all your websites. In return for your investment in this hosting plan, you’re sure to get lots of opportunities.

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