الاثنين، 14 مايو 2012

Protecting Your Data Using R1Soft CDP

Business data is one of the important aspects when it comes to any business. Business r1soft Protecting Your Data Using R1Soft CDPowners are aware of the fact that it is not always possible to retrieve lost data and in case it has to be done, the cost involved is quite high. Also the immediate, tangible cost of restoring data wherever possible and reinforcing hardware to safeguard against any future losses in extremely high, moreover the ongoing damage to the reputation of the business is also significant, severe, and potentially irreversible. Understandably, as a wide spectrum, of data is stored online through the website hosting plans, there is a growing concern among the business owners in terms of the safety and security of the critical business data. You will come across various backup solutions that can protect and retrieve your data in the event of disaster. Keeping organized backup copies of your files and data makes it possible to restore your server completely without having to start again from scratch. However every website hosting backup solution is not identical, and if you deal with a large volume of data transfer it is essential to know about the backup solution being provided in the website hosting plan. Here is an informative insight on how R1Soft Continuous Data Protection (R1Soft CDP) addresses the issues of data protection. You will get an informative insight about selecting the right website hosting service that also ensures the security of your data.
What is R1Soft CDP?
With the conventional backup systems, there is a possibility of some degree of data loss in the event of hardware failure. R1Soft CDP minimizes the window between backups, this is the time when the new data is at risk. Initially, many different hardware servers are connected create a centralized backup server, in order to maintain the transfer speed. In addition to that, intelligent software monitors the changes made in the data, thereby the files that need to be copied or updated are immediately identified on the remote server. Finally, powerful compression technology reduces the size of the data to the possible extent, therefore it is possible to quickly coy the data without impeding the performance. Together, these powerful features enable R1Soft CDP to back up your mission-critical data almost instantly, with backup windows reduced to a short span of time.
The benefits of using R1Soft CDP
Since R1Soft CDP backup web hosting reduces the size of backup windows to a great extent, your data is protected more efficiently. The cost of replacing any lost data is considerately reduced, and in case the hardware fails, all the important data can be retried in moments. When you backup your data with hardware storage device, there is a possibility for data breach, that can leave your sensitive and confidential data open to attack. However, R1Soft CDP offers with robust encryption technology in order to ensure that all the stored backups are fully protected from theft at all times. Access to all the encryption settings and other options for customizing your backups is available through a user friendly control panel. Through one streamlined interface, monitoring the way in which which R1Soft CDP provides backup for your website hosting service becomes possible, the users can also create exemptions to prevent certain files or folders from being copied. The R1Soft CDP control panel enables a wide degree of control and flexibility, without any complications and difficulties. With a wide range of inbuilt features, you might think that R1Soft CDP might be available at a high price; however this is not the case. Since your website hosting provider can store many backups on a single server securely, R1Soft CDP does not have a great impact on the cost of your website hosting plan.
Continuous data protection
Today, R1Soft CDP is used as a web hosting backup solution world wide, thereby making it a leading tool for fighting data breach. Ultimately, R1Soft CDP is a phenomenally powerful yet simple and affordable hosting solution that delivers whatever it claims – keeping your data continuously protected. Data loss is prevented at all times as timely and efficient backup is provided for your files. Irrespective of the size of your business and the type of data required to keep it safe, R1Soft CDP backup solution is an efficient way of defending your business against any possible data loss.

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