الاثنين، 14 مايو 2012

Sell Advertising On Your Website – Most Rewarding Ways

If you own a popular website or blog, then you can surely make money by selling advertisement from your website. You will come across numerous ways for promoting business and organizations on your website, however the ways mentioned below are tried, tested and proven to be extremely efficient in turning your website into a source of income. In case you are using an add broker, adsence, or any other method for generating advertising income from your website, there are chances that you are not making enough money from your website. It is a fact that you will experience a tough time selling advertisement on your website in the initial days. In order to sell advertising space on your website, you will need to have a history of quality traffic coming to your website. This would not be the case when you setup the website. Why should you read this post then? Reading this information would be beneficial for you because down the road you will know how to work on your website and what to expect and you can also plan the website design process appropriately that will enable you to allot space for future advertisements. There ways mentioned hereon are beneficial for you even if you have an established website, its time to start earning from your website.
Making Room For Ads
You might have a hard time selling ads if there are no other ads on your website. This goes on to say that you need to create a section for the ads. A very popular, effective and commonly used format for selling ads is the 125×125 ad banners placed in the sidebar. For that you will need a sidebar that is at least 260 pixels wide in order to use the 2-column placement. In case sidebar isn’t wide enough, you can also use a single column for the ads.
In order to create sales, it is essential that your ad section appears as high as possible in the sidebar. I had a look at some of the big sites in my industry and tried to match their placement, this really works!
In order to be able to charge the same amount to all of the advertisers, it is important that the banners should rotate. For making them rotate, you can use online plugins for this purpose.
Another widely used ad placement is the 728×60 banner.  Even in this case you will have to create the placement before you can make the sale.
What banners do you put in until you can make sales?
I would suggest you use affiliate banners.  Search for banners that will be a perfect fit for your website. You might also make the use of banners pointing to other sites that you are trying to establish. Perception is the most crucial aspect when it comes to making these sales and therefore you have to put your best foot forward. Making attempts to sell the banners when you don’t have any banners in your section will be a HUGE waste of time, therefore it is essential to prepare your website first, spend time in carefully planning the architecture of your website and then once it is established and you see good amount of traffic coming to your website, you may start placing the ads.
Contact Your Competitors
With this I am not trying to say that you must sell advertising to your competitors. You are simply going to contact them for knowing the rates they sell advertising for. Most of your competitors will have this information mentioned somewhere in their website. Otherwise you can also contact them via email or telephone. You must get the information about how much they charge and how many impressions (total hits on pages the ad is on) you can expect on a monthly basis if you purchase an ad spot. Also check the competitor’s websites in order to determine how they have placed the ads and in what size. Accordingly you can create and determine what kind of ads you can sell, the location of these ads on your website and what kind of revenue can be generated.
Set Your Prices
Once you have all the information in place, it will be easier for you to set the prices. It is essential to know the exact price that your competitors are charging per impression.
In case your competitor is delivering more impressions than you can in every month, it is advisable to lower the amount you charge per impression by a slight amount, it could be something like 10%. In case you think that you can deliver more impressions than your competitor, you can increase the amount you charge by 10%. The fact is that once you start selling ads it will become easier to determine whether you can sell your ads for more or not – this formula will work for getting you started.
Example: If your competitor is charging $500 per month for an ad spot and they promise to deliver 500,000 impressions for the ad each month, this means that they are charging $0.001 per impression. That’s 1/10th of a cent.
If you are able to deliver 50,000 impressions for an ad and with charging the same amount per impression would give you a price of $50 per month. In case you lower the rate by 10% you will get a monthly price of $45. In this way you are getting a slightly better value than your competitor, this is the trade off for not being able to deliver as many impressions.
Establish A Strong Advertising Page
It is essential to have a proper advertise here page that contains all the information. Most of the banners are sold from the advertise page. For selling advertising, you will have to portray the strengths of your website.
You can mention the following points:
* High amount of valuable traffic
* Targeted traffic
* Solid organic traffic – As organic traffic has a longer attention span than social traffic
* Good rankings for solid keywords
* Loyal traffic
It is preferable to make the use of PayPal subscription buttons for making sales on the advertising page, therefore all your ads will be sold on subscription. If you directly sell the ads, you will have to invoice each advertiser every month, this consumes a lot of time. Switching to the subscription method will make it easier for you to manage all the ads.
How do you get the subscription buttons?
It is simple. You can get these buttons from your PayPal account. All you have to do is go to ‘Merchant Services’ and then click on the ‘subscribe’ link in the ‘Create Buttons’ section. It will show you a simple form that can be used to create the button, and then you will be provided with a code which you can paste in your advertising page.
Contacting The Potential Advertisers
At this point, you will have two options. First, you can wait and watch if there are any advertising sales from the traffic you currently have. If you have good amount of traffic coming to your website, you can generate good sales.
Another way is contacting all the companies who are advertising on your competitor’s websites. This can be done once you have finalized the ad sections and pricing details. You might not have a high sales rate initially, but you will surely be able to achieve substantial sales because you have contacted so many people.
When you contact these companies for advertising on your website, you can mention that you are offering a better rate and if needed you can also add the benefits of advertising on your website. It is a wise decision to contact some websites in the beginning, as once you have some ads placed on your website, it becomes a lot easier to sell to more.
If you are willing to, you can try another trick that really works. You can contact a premium advertiser in your industry and tell them that you are offering an ad spot for $1 per month. That gets a high-end advertiser in your ad section and it creates a good impression on the potential advertisers. As an addon to this, you can also offer them free advertising for a few months. In this way, you get a premium advertiser in your ad section and you can sell an ad space to them once the free period is completed.
There’s more work to do when you get your first advertiser!!
So, you have finally got your first advertiser!! Good work! But this is merely the first step. If you are looking forward to establish a long-term relationship with your advertisers, you will have to do something that keeps them happy:
Provide essential information
To keep advertisers happy, deliver the information about the performance of the ads. Send them regular updates for the ads.
Keep them informed
Keep your advertisers informed if you are coming up with new strategies, even if it is a new ad size. Writing a new series of articles? Make sure to provide your current advertisers the first view at these premium ads spots.
Design promotions
Advertisers love to get the best deals. Sweeten the pot with occasional promotions. If your former advertisers have dropped out, this is a great way of bringing them back.
Get feedback
Ask your advertisers for their suggestions. This will have a two way effect, first your advertisers will feel cared for, and second, you will receive a lot of genuine information that can be used for improvising on your ad strategy.
Along with all the ways mentioned above, it is also essential to host your website on an appropriate web hosting plan in order to ensure uptime and efficiency even in the times of heavy traffic. You can earn substantial revenue through selling advertisements on your website. Even if you are selling ads for the first time, the ways mentioned above will make it easier for you to do it. So implement these ways and start earning through your website.

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