الاثنين، 14 مايو 2012

10 Prominent Google Services For Your eCommerce Business

It is a fact that the internet presence of any eCommerce website depends on the search engine exposure through Google. Google has a wide range of services and products that have been introduced from its core web search tool. In the array of online tools provided by Google, some of them are extremely useful for improvising on your eCommerce business website. It might get challenging to keep up with all the tool names and uses. So here is an insight on the most relevant Google services relevant to an eCommerce website and this post also covers some of the new features introduced that can be used for leveraging your eCommerce business. An eCommerce business will have traffic coming to the website only with good SERP’s and the Google services mentioned here are the best way of achieving a good search engine rank.
Google Web Search
One of Google’s most recent inventions in search technology is called ‘Google Caffeine’. Caffeine is not something that is visible, it is the underlying framework that Google now utilizes for delivering the search results. Empirically, Caffeine enables Google to crawl the website within a short span of time in order to deliver timely, relevant and authoritative information. The key concept that caffeine is empowered by is speed. Here the key factor is the loading time of your website pages. You must make sure that your website pages load quickly and thereby they meet the Google’s quality standards. The website hosting platform that you select plays a major role here. It is crucial to make sure that the website hosting platform is providing with fast servers, latest technology and all the necessary resources to ensure the speed and uptime of your website.
Google Products
The service that was once known as Google Base, has evolved into Google Product Search, and now it can be located under the Google Merchant Center. The important factor to be considered here is that Google has made shopping results more prominent on its search pages. If you own an eCommerce website, it is essential to have the Google Product Feed so your products will show up in Google Product Search. In case you have more than 100 products you can start up a separate “feed,” that means you will have to create a formatted file and you will have to keep sending this file to Google at regular intervals. There are some important attributes on the basis of which you will have to get all the product information ready, you can then upload it in Google merchant center. Preferably you can upload a test feed first so that if there are any errors they can be rectified while submitting the final product feed.
Google Analytics
Google Analytics is an extremely useful tool for tracking and analyzing the traffic to your website. The level of detail offered by Google elicits many people who use Google Analytics. In case you are a new user, initially you can setup the weekly emailed reports. Google Analytics provides complete information on the organic traffic and referral traffic coming to your website along with the source of this traffic. It also displays other demographics that give an informative insight on planning the online marketing campaigns. If you would like to track the conversions through any particular landing page, this can be done by setting a goal in Google Analytics. Overall this is tool is very helpful in monitoring the website performance.
Google Adwords
Google’s AdWords displays the revenue generated through its pay-per-click program. Basically, Google AdWords provides features like pay per clink advertising, cost per thousand advertising and website specific advertising for the ads in the form of text, banner or rich media. The main reason why most of the eCommerce website owners use Google AdWords, is because it works for them for producing a positive return on the money they spend. In order to use AdWords, you will have to invest some time in learning how you can use it to build ad campaigns and monitor the results.
Google Maps/Local Search
Google Local Search might not be applicable for every eCommerce website, however there has been a rapid shift occurring across all the major social/search web properties for emphasizing on the local aspect of the search results. Developing a local strategy and stake your claim in your city or region would prove to be a beneficial move. The best place to start is establishing your Google Local listing. After this, Google will offer a street map that will make it easier for the people to get to your business address quickly.
Google Webmaster Tools
To give a very simple explanation to this tool, it can be said that Google Webmaster Tool enables you to see your website the way Google sees it and thereby this is the pathway of making your eCommerce website more Google-friendly. Webmaster Tools is another free of cost yet extremely efficient tool for your eCommerce website. Using it is also very simple. Webmaster Tools provides you with valuable stats about how Google views and crawls your website. You can view data on the most common keywords Google associates with your pages or the anchor text found in external links to your website.  Majorly Google Webmaster Tools offers with information on the following aspects:
Google Webmaster Tools is a great platform for checking factors like indexing status and optimizing visibility of your website. Even if your eCommerce website is in the initial stages, working with Google Webmaster tools would surely prove to be a beneficial move.
Google Website Optimizer
The optimizer is a great tool for testing the effectiveness of your website’s pages. You can use the A/B testing and also multivariate tests for a specific range of characteristics. For instance, if you want to test if the homepage of your eCommerce website will produce more conversions if you add a message that emphasizes on free shipping, you can setup a test accordingly in the Optimizer. This would require some technical knowledge, however once you figure it out, you will know the outcome of your thought. Assuming that you see enough traffic it will be easy for you to boost the website intelligence and thereby make some more powerful decisions about deploying your eCommerce website.
Google Videos  / Youtube
If  you own an eCommerce website, the best way to educated people about the products you are selling is through creating videos. Using videos for providing information on your products and marketing them is a smart way of reaching out to people. It is easy and effective. Google’s video service, YouTube, is a great place to post your videos on the web, as it pulls the most traffic of any video hub. The perfect YouTube approach involves building your own channel and utilizing some of the  similar optimization practices that can be used for an organic search.
Google Affiliate Network
Google has rolled out its own affiliate program called Google Affiliate Network. Google has set strict guidelines for participating merchants, however if you qualify, you will be able to set up pay-per-conversion campaigns and thereby get access to Google’s large pool of publishers who can be phenomenal in terms of driving traffic to your site in return for an affiliate commission.
Google Checkout
Google Checkout processes the online payments for ensuring the convenience of the users. There is a wide range of reasons why utilizing Google Checkout can prove to be beneficial for your website. Above all, in terms of online transactions the popularity of Google Checkout has substantially increased, therefore it is always preferable to provide this option to your customers. In addition, Google Checkout you will get additional benefits like Google AdWords and Google Products. The main benefit of Google Checkout is that it is extremely easy to integrate it in your eCommerce website. This is a convenient online payment option for the people buying from your website; it sums up in terms of providing a great online shopping experience for the people who buy from your eCommerce website.
The Google services mentioned above are definitely worth considering if you are planning to establish an impressive, efficient and user friendly eCommerce website. They are easy to implement and use and it is a proven fact that they provide with loads of benefits. Google provides with various other services however you will get substantial benefits even if you make complete utilization of the ones mentioned above.

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