الاثنين، 14 مايو 2012

Windows Cloud Hosting

The purpose of the cloud is provide you with a reliable web hosting experience without the costs associated with traditional forms of high uptime hosting, such as Virtual Private Server hosting and dedicated server hosting. With businesses being the main customers for Windows hosting services, it is important for web hosting companies to provide a reliable and stable solution that will provide businesses with a platform on which they can develop their web presence without having to worry about downtime or any other related issues; Windows cloud hosting has been designed to meet this requirement by providing a Windows hosting environment that can guarantee up to 100% uptime. Windows as a platform provides support for a number of different Microsoft technologies that won’t function with any other platform, therefore meaning that there will always be a distinct need for Windows hosting for businesses; a majority of the server-side applications developed by Microsoft, such as Microsoft SQL Server and Microsoft Exchange Server, are designed to be used by large enterprises and this idealism is realized in the user base of these products. By clustering together a number of servers to form the cloud, businesses are able to make use of Windows cloud hosting for large-scale Microsoft SQL Server database hosting; separate VMs can be used for other purposes such as ASP.NET web page hosting using IIS. Windows 2008 cloud hosting experiences can also be improved further by virtually networking individual virtual machines; this will allow you to create a virtually-distributed database hosting solution for example, allowing you to improve the reliability of your back-end systems further.
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Benefits of Choosing Windows Cloud Hosting
Windows cloud hosting will be able to offer you a number of different benefits when compared to the other form of Windows hosting services that are available. These benefits include:
  • Cost savings – there are many cost savings to be had from choosing Windows cloud hosting over Windows dedicated hosting, primarily because the virtual nature of the cloud environment allows web hosting providers to host a number of users without impacting performance, but thus allowing them to keep pricing fairly low – unless you have a specific need for a dedicated server, i.e. you require a specialist hardware configuration, then there isn’t a huge argument as to why you should choose one over a Windows cloud hosting service – as well as being able to offer you a dedicated environment and a vast majority of the same resources available in a physical server, a virtual machine in a cloud environment is able to achieve all of this on a budget, making cloud hosting ideal for users looking for an affordable solution
  • Resources – in some ways the resources offered by a cloud package will be greater than those provided by a dedicated server and you will be able to add additional resources to your Windows virtual machines as and when you wish to – for example, you can choose the number of virtual CPU cores you wish to use with your virtual machines in the cloud, with the maximum that you can assign usually being around 32 although this will depend on the web hosting company that you choose for your needs – another good example is the amount of RAM that you can add, if you were to add 64GB of RAM to a dedicated server then this type of hardware would cost a fortune, but in the cloud it will be far cheaper – the reasoning behind all of this is that the architecture of the cloud is designed to use multiple servers, therefore meaning that resources for a single machine are the result of resources being combined from a number of different physical servers
  • Scalability – virtual machines in the cloud are designed to be highly scalable as you can purchase additional resources for your Windows cloud VMs and have the additional resources assigned almost immediately, but if you don’t want to expand your existing virtual machine then you can create a new Windows server if you wish by purchasing the additional resources as normal or by using up any spare resources that you are yet to assign – this type of scalability and the ability of add additional capacity in just a few clicks has helped to make cloud hosting very popular with businesses of all sizes and is guaranteed to keep its success going in the future.
How will Windows cloud hosting benefit Microsoft SQL Server?
Microsoft SQL Server is designed to be used as part of large-scale applications that require a reliable and secure database backend in which data can be stored centrally; with this duty comes the requirements for an SQL server to be available when needed, therefore meaning that a high level of uptime is necessary. Windows cloud hosting will be able to benefit Microsoft SQL Server hosting services by providing you with an environment in which you can create several different Windows VMs dedicated to the purpose of database hosting and then virtually network these machines together to create a web in which even if one of the VMs becomes unavailable, there will be another available to pick up any slack database requests. Theoretically the cloud itself should be able to provide 100% guaranteed uptime.
How will Windows cloud hosting benefit Microsoft Exchange Server?
Microsoft Exchange Server is an enterprise-class collaboration platform that is used by millions of people in thousands of organisations and has a reputation for being highly secure. Depending on the needs of your organization, you will probably come across the need for additional storage capacity as your business grows; Windows cloud hosting will be able to provide you with this additional capacity by allowing you to add additional disk space to your Exchange Server VM when you need it so that your users don’t face any storage issues.
In conclusion, Windows cloud hosting has been designed to provide highly reliable ASP.NET hosting for businesses that use Microsoft’s products to power their IT infrastructure. SQL Server hosting in the cloud is also available, as is Exchange Server hosting, providing larger organisations with a stable platform on which they can host the applications that are critical to the success of their business.
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Linux Cloud Hosting

As an open source operating system, Linux cloud hosting is able to provide you with all of the benefits of cloud hosting, just at a price much lower than what you would be paying for an equivalent Windows hosting plan. A Linux cloud hosting service will provide you with a blank virtual machine on which you can install any Linux distribution of your choice, allowing you to develop a web hosting environment around your own specific needs that uses the applications and services that you are use to; this is coupled with the high uptime and secure environment that the cloud has to offer to users of all platforms. Depending on the cloud hosting provider that you choose, you may be able to develop a hosting plan based around your own specific resource needs as well – manywebhosting companies are keen to embark on the idea of ‘pay-as-you-go resources’ with which you will only ever be paying for the individual resources that you have purchased, therefore meaning that you will only be paying for what you require and nothing more. Cloud hosting has been designed to provide users with a much more dynamic and scalable option over VPS hosting and dedicated hosting; this is reflected in the architecture of the cloud with additional resources being assigned to your virtual machines once you have paid and the ability to create additional Linux virtual machines as and when you require them, allowing you to effectively develop your own cluster within the cloud.
Benefits of Linux Cloud Hosting
There are several benefits to using Linux cloud hosting that you should consider when choosing a new web hosting service; examples of these benefits include:
  • Affordable cloud hosing – Linux cloud web hosting services are designed to offer the opportunity to use cloud hosting to users of all levels by providing an affordable and easy-to-use service – for smaller businesses it is often important to budget and the pricing structure of Linux cloud hosting means that you will never be paying for resources you don’t need or aren’t going to use, meaning that you will be able to stick to your budget and control your spending with ease – the open source nature of Linux distributions contributes to the low-cost of Linux cloud hosting services, but you will also find that the related maintenance costs are far lower with Linux as a number of high-level security applications available for Linux are also open source, combined with the fact that Linux servers tend to be less prone to viruses
  • Flexibility – the Linux cloud will provide you with a level of flexibility not seen in other Linux web hosting plans, allowing you to add resources to your Linux virtual machines as and when you wish – any good web hosting provider will offer you the facility to order additional RAM, disk space, bandwidth or any other related resources as you require it so that it is provisioned to your virtual machines almost instantaneously so that if you are suffering a load spike for example, you can pull together the extra resources that you require in order to deal with the additional load – this ‘pay-as-you-go’ design ensures that you never pay for what you don’t need or aren’t going to be using, therefore providing you with good value for money
  • Secure Linux hosting – the cloud environment is designed to be the most secure hosting environment available, with multiple physical and software security measures being used to reduce the chances of any attacks being successful – although you may have thought that with there being multiple servers used in the cloud the chances of an attack being successful were higher, you’d be wrong – data in the cloud is distributed amongst the entire cloud and is often encrypted meaning that even if hackers did manage to gain access to one or two servers, any data stored would probably be unreadable and be of no use to them – furthermore, the virtual networks between the physical servers often mean that the number of ‘public-facing’ servers is very limited with a majority of cloud traffic instead being carried internally between servers on vLANs.
PHP Hosting in the Cloud
Linux cloud hosting is ideal for PHP web developers looking for a scalable platform ideal for both testing and hosting their final products. The virtual environment provided by a Linux cloud VM allows you to install the applications of your choice so that you can create a hosting environment based around your own needs. Alongside this you will be able to choose the resources that form your virtual machines so that the hosting solution you use is designed around you, right down to the core. When looking to host a new website it’s always pretty much impossible to predict your future visitor counts and so by choosing a Linux cloud hosting solution you are able to purchase the resources that you require for the short term, with the benefit of being able to expand the resources of your virtual machines as your website becomes busier.
MySQL Server Hosting in the Cloud
Cloud hosting services can also be used for distributed MySQL Server database hosting, with multiple configuration options available depending on what you need from a database hosting solution. If you aren’t too worried about having a clustered solution for now, but still wish to use a separate server/environment for your database hosting then this is achievable with a single Linux virtual machine. On the other hand, you can always setup a cluster of Linux virtual machines across the cloud and use a vLAN to connect these – this will provide you with a secure, reliable and distributed platform on which you can host your MySQL databasesthat you can then use with your PHP websites.
In conclusion, Linux cloud hosting is the most affordable choice for businesses looking to exploit the benefits of cloud web hosting. Cloud hosting represents good value for money by providing you with 100% guaranteed uptime, usually accompanied by an SLA (Service Level Agreement), whilst enabling you to design your web hosting plan around yourself so that you only ever pay for what you require and nothing more.

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