الاثنين، 14 مايو 2012

Dedicated Server Hosting – What to Consider

Although there are many web hosting options out there, there are always constant demands for dedicated server hosting. Most of its users are business corporations that need much more control over the server that are being used.  Acknowledge these demands, many web hosting provider offer plenty of rewards within their dedicated server hosting plans. These rewards might look very tempting but you should take a look thoughtfully and identify which one is best-suited your needs.

Root Access

A business site that has high traffic should or I prefer to say, must has a webmaster or webmasters who have root access to their server. With the root access, he can customize the site to meet any requirements needed. He will be able to install software or upgrading the site if necessary. Aside from the benefits, root access feature also has a drawback that more related to the provider who hosted your site. If it an established and reliable provider then you don’t have any problem. But if you’re hosting provider services often can’t be counted on every time an error or downtime happens. Offering root access means the web hosting company is allowing an outsider to enter its servers. What if the outsider is not skilled enough and does something that hazardous to the network? It will definitely affect other clients which are contrary to the main purpose of
dedicated server hosting, to be unaffected from other users.


If a web hosting company offers you a great deal of high bandwidth and you actually need it, then you should go for it. Although the chances are slim since bandwidth requires high cost that not just being charged on the customers but also the hosting provider.

Data Back-up

There are nothing more to consider when it comes to data back-up. A good web hosting provider will guarantee data backup service, they don’t leave this responsibility on customers’ hands. Also look for manual recovery options, speed of recovery and extra data centers.
Moreover, there are others important service features in dedicated server hosting that are worth considering. Including 24/7 support and uptime guarantee. I believe all web hosting companies provide 24/7 support but how many of them give speedy service when your site is down. The one that fixes downtime without you are asking for it is the one you should pick and give your loyalty to. For uptime guarantee, I don’t think there are still more to be discussed. Just test for yourself or find reviews and testimonials.

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