الاثنين، 14 مايو 2012

Windows Dedicated Servers vs. Virtual Private Servers

Windows Dedicated Server

In the past a dedicated windows server was the foundation for any major website that broke from being an idea to a viable business.  Of course this has always been a fairly significant jump in cost from your low cost shared hosting options.  But once you make the jump a dedicated server provides unparalleled stability and configuration because you have direct access to the machine.
Unfortunately you pay the price.
Dedicated servers typically start at 10-100 times that of a shared hosting account.  You're also stuck on a single physical machine.  It beats sharing that machine with someone but when you need to upgrade or move servers the long dark night begins.

Virtual Private Servers

But a new age is here : Virtual Private Servers.  All the benefits of a dedicated server, a fraction of the price, and none of the downsides.  With a VPS you get an entire virtual server all to yourself.  You connect to it via RDP, like you would a normal dedicated server.  You configure it any way you'd like, just like a dedicated server.  You share it with no one, just like, yeah, a dedicated server.
But... a VPS is not a single physical machine running in a data center.  If you need more memory you don't need to get out a screwdriver.  Want more and faster CPUs?  The agonizing prospect of setting up a new box and moving everything over doesn't exist.  Single point of equipment failure?  Eliminated.
In the world of VPS all this changes.  Here are a few benefits of going VPS instead of a dedicated server:
  • Price : A fraction of a dedicated server.  Slightly higher than the lowest cost shared hosting, but, well, it's not crappy shared hosting.  Prices for our Epic Win servers start at $19/month.
  • Elastic : Upgrade or downgrade your instance at anytime.  Need more CPU?  Your instance can be spun down, changed, then spun back up giving you more memory and more CPU power in a matter of minutes.
  • Simple & Fast : Click 'Create Instance' and in minutes you'll have a full blown virtual server at your disposal.
  • Pre-configured : Know you want IIS and SQL Server?  Or maybe WordPress?  How about Orchard or DotNetNuke?  Just select that image and your new instance will spin up pre-configured.
  • Redundant : Data written to your drives is replicated across multiple servers across multiple facilities automagically.
  • Reliable : Your instances run in Amazon's highly reliable environment that provides 99.95% availability.
  • Full Server Backup : Backing up your entire server can be done automatically.  In the VPS world these are called snapshots and contain an exact copy of your entire server.  Not just a database backup or a few meta files.  The entire server.  These snapshots can be used to bring up an identical server in minutes.
Virtual Private Servers.  The inexpensive, elastic, reliable hosting of the future.  At least that's what our robots tell us.
Wanna give it a shot?   Try out an Epic Win Server for free for a month.  Seriously, free.  Start here:
and enter FREEVPS for your Coupon Code.  That'll give you the first month free to try it out.

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