الاثنين، 14 مايو 2012

Using Google+ For Establishing A Brand?

It is rightly stated that “A brand is a living entity – and it is enriched or undermined cumulatively over time, the product of a thousand small gestures” – Michael Eisner, CEO Disney
Establishing a strong brand is essential to be known as the best and also for withstanding the tough competition. Branding is basically managing the way in which people consider about your organization. Basically, your brand is your story, so you must tell it the way it is. Before you can establish a successful brand, people must know about your company and its offerings. Building online visibility is the first step to establishing brand awareness. If your business lacks a brand recognition, then most of the potential customers wouldn’t even know that you exist. Various factors have to be considered in order to establish a brand.
It is true that a company that has an impressive logo and a compelling tagline appears to be more professional and established. It is definitely good to have a smart logo, but winning customers is a wider aspect. For instance Google changes its logo continuously, this is done in order to match with the latest front page doodle. This is one of the most efficient strategy adopted by Google that creates a sense of enthusiasm in the minds of people. Even though the logo is changed regularly, people will always consider Google as a prominent authority as far as search engines are concerned. Along with the logo it is also the content of the website, the trust and the reputation; all these are essential factors that go in making a brand. A successful brand is surely recognized by its logo however the arena of brand awareness goes far beyond logo designing.
The performance of your website is based ion the web hosting platform that you select. Selecting the web hosting platform is the most crucial investment for your business, hosting the website will make it accessible. If your website is always up and has a good speed, people will find it convenient to navigate within the website and they will prefer your website over the others. The web hosting platform that you select determines the performance of your website and it gets a global identity. When you select the right web hosting company, features like server monitoring, 24/7 technical support and data backup are offered; therefore your website will never be slowed down. The web hosting platform selected along with all the other factors combine together in creating satisfied customers.
There must be several websites in the industry that you work in, therefore making your business noticed is absolutely important. There must be something unique about your business that must capture the minds of the customers. Define your brand!! Highlight the factors that make it different! What is your business made of, when it started? What are the values and philosophies that determine the functioning of your business; it is extremely essential to state all this information. It is also crucial to mention the vision and mission statements of the company so that people get a clear picture about where your business is heading. When you actually start defining your brand, you will notice that you are defining the business. It is not a thumb rule to have a complicated ‘about us’ page; however it must be the perfect reflection of your business progress till now and the future planning.
Your business is definitely what people think about you. Another extremely crucial factor that has to be taken into consideration is the way Google treats your brand. It is crucial to project your website through a platform that highlights the nature of your business. Google+ is a very efficient social platform provided by Google that is perfect for creating a brand presence. Here is an insight on building brand awareness through this amazing social networking platform. The search engine ranking of the website determines the way in which Google and other search engines “read” your site. A variety of factors are considered from the apprentice and contents of your website. Factors like the number of links received by your website and the frequency of updating the content are also taken into consideration. However recently the search engines are also considering the social activity of the website in focus. Google+ provides with a social networking platform, it plays a crucial role in determining the social activity of your website. In terms of Google+, there are several factors that you need to understand; they are mentioned below:
Circles : Circles is the platform through which you can organize the contacts. Through circles, your contacts can be organized into the categories already given or you can create your own categories according to your convenience.
Updates : Updates work in a similar way as updates done on Facebook. It is on your discretion to add a short (or longer) update on the new products or services, an upcoming sale, a big event, or any other update that you would want people to know about.
Shares : Shares enable you to bookmark great content and and promote it through the Google+ network. This is one of the most efficient ways of circulating information that you think will be of interest to the people in your network.
Hangouts : Hangouts is a feature that is like a group chat with an exception that Google+ provides with a video component and everyone who participates at the same time can be seen. In case you are operating any educational website or if you are planning to do teleconferencing for any particular product, this can be the perfect platform to make a virtual event feel a straight forward presentation.
Step by step guide for getting started with Google+
* Visit the Google+ website and clink on the ‘create your Google plus page’ button
* If you have a Google account, that can be used for creating the Google+ page otherwise you can create a new Google account
* Login to Google+
* After logging in, you will be taken through the steps for creating a pubic profile
* This profile will include all the information. You can also add images along with the information
* In case you have an exiting Google plus account, you will have to go through the process of adding the existing clients to the circles, you will have to select interest and fill out the profile. It is essential to note that the customers can see this information, therefore it should look professional
* You will eventually be directed to create a page section. You can start by selecting the category of the business that you want to promote
* After this you will have to fill out a page name along with your website. You might select a sub category if required and you may also set access restrictions for the same. Agree to the terms and conditions and then click on create.
* You can also establish a page with the options for making posts. adding photos, videos, and more
The interested people will be able to follow your work through the Google+ platform, this will help you in terms of reaching out to new audiences and it will also have a positing impact on your search engine ranking as there will be more traffic coming to your website.

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