الاثنين، 14 مايو 2012

Web Application Cloud Hosting

Many web developers are moving their applications from being based around the desktop to being web-based so that they are able to work in conjunction with the cloud to offer a more functional experience with additional features. Web applications are often very complex and require a number of servers behind them to support their workload and fluctuations in user numbers; this is where the cloud steps in as you will be able to host as many virtual machines as you require in the cloud, allowing you to distribute the work of your web applications across several different virtual machines in order to guarantee a stable hosting environment. Your cloud hosting environments can be tailored to meet your specific needs, with most web hosting companies allowing you to host both Windows and Linux virtual machines on a single platform; furthermore, you can adjust the resource allocations of each virtual machine to meet the role of each server so that you are only paying for resources that you need – you can then opt for the resources of these servers to be scaled in accordance with the load on the server to reduce the potential for any downtime. Regardless of whether you develop your web applications using PHP or ASP.NET, there is a cloud hosting solution available that will enable you to provide your application’s users with a reliable user experience; you should also ensure that your virtual machines are capable of running any additional applications that you may need to support your web application, such as database servers or file system applications as the benefit of using multiple virtual servers in the cloud is that you can then network them together using a vLAN much in the same way that you would multiple dedicated servers.
What should I look for in a web application cloud hosting plan?
There are several different features for you to look for in a cloud hosting plan if you are going to be using it for web application hosting, such as:
  • Resource scalability – as web applications often require more resources as the use of them increases, it is highly important for you to choose a cloud web hosting provider that can provide you with these additional resources when you need them – any good cloud hosting plan comes with the ability to add resources to your virtual machines as you see fit, with more advance cloud hosting services including an auto-scaling feature that will automatically add resources to your virtual machines as the load on your VMs increases – resource scalability removes the need to upgrade your web hosting plan as your needs increase and this can be another time-saver because when you upgrade your web hosting plan you are lumbered with the task of having to transfer your website and associated files over, whereas if you’re able to stick with a cloud hosting plan then the inconvenience of this is removed because you will never need to switch over to another form of web hosting or web hosting service
  • Operating system support – you should review the operating system templates that you are able to use with your virtual machines because this will impact on things such as the scripting language that you can use to develop your web application as well as your choice of third-party applications such as database servers that may contribute towards the backend of your web application – more often than not you will find that there is a variety of Linux distributions for you to choose from as well as the most recent version of Windows Server 2008 – under some circumstances you may be looking to run Windows virtual machines alongside Linux virtual machines and so cloud web hosting will enable you to do this regardless of the virtualization platform being run
  • Stable platform – you should ensure that the cloud hosting environment that you are buying into is stable in its operating meaning that the uptime rate of 100% is met and you are able to perform tasks without facing any errors – as cloud hosting platforms are produced from the clustering of multiple servers, web hosting companies are able to offer 100% guaranteed uptime with a majority of their cloud hosting plans – as a web application developer you will find stability to be an important point as you want your end-users to be able to make the most of your application.
How can cloud hosting benefit me as a web application developer?
As a web application developer, you will find that a cloud hosting solution can benefit you through the following means:
  • Multiple virtual machines – as you are able to create multiple virtual machines in a single cloud hosting environment, this opens up the potential to migrate multiple dedicated servers over to the cloud without compromising on the quality of the service that you receive – as each virtual machine is separate and the data of each will be spread across multiple servers, the chance of failure is pretty much nil meaning that this type of migration is a recommended way in which larger businesses are able to save on their hosting costs
  • Security and uptime – cloud hosting products will be able to deliver where other hosting products have failed in the past by delivering a secure and reliable web hosting environment, guaranteed – the clustered nature of the cloud means that 100% uptime is the norm and not something you will only get once in a while – the measures that web hosting companies take to keep individual servers secure will ensure that the cloud is a more than suitable environment to host your client’s personal details in, granted that you encrypt it before saving it to a password-protected database.
In conclusion, cloud web hosting will offer web application developers the resources and features that they require in order to develop highly functional web applications that can be used to replace their desktop equivalents with ease. If you are looking to migrate over from dedicated server hosting then the cloud can also provide you with the necessary capacity to make this possible, whilst reducing your costs.

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